8 Novembre
Mario Novello (ICRA - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Mach or Higgs? The mechanism to generate mass
(Aula Caldirola - ore 16:00)
11 Novembre
Italo Guarneri (Uni Insubria)
Resonance Assisted Tunneling
(Aula Caldirola - ore 15:00)
31 Marzo
Claudio Grillo (Excellence Cluster Universe, Garching)
Dark Matter in massive early-type galaxies
(Aula Consiglio - ore 16:00)
7 Aprile
Pierpaolo Mastrolia (MPI, Muenchen)
The complex structure of scattering amplitudes
(Aula Caldirola - ore 16:00)
14 Aprile
Andrea Gambassi (Sissa, Trieste)
The critical Casimir effect: thermal fluctuations in action
(Aula Caldirola - ore 16:00)
12 Maggio
Lance Dixon (SLAC)
Electroweak Vector Boson Production in Association with Jets at the LHC
(Aula Caldirola - ore 16:00)
26 Maggio
Robert Harlander (Uni Wuppertal)
Latest theory results for Higgs production at the Tevatron and the LHC
(Aula Consiglio - ore 16:00)
9 Giugno
Tara Shears (Uni Liverpool)
Electroweak physics with the LHCb experiment
(Aula Consiglio - ore 16:00)
16 Giugno
Matteo Cacciari (Uni Paris VI)
Recent progresses in Jet Physics
(Aula Consiglio - ore 16:00)